Linda Mayo


By Linda Mayo


Rachel, a reporter for Brand Magazine, is presented with yet another ho-hum story. Reluctantly, she enters the world of the infamous rich and famous, the social elite of New York. She is propelled into an adventure of infinite impossibilities. She’s assigned a feel good story on Mrs. Vander’s, the last surviving original member of the Vander’s family. The estate, and its history nestled comfortably on the outskirts of New York City, becomes Rachel’s home away from home during this project. It’s a large house filled with many rooms, and each room is filled with many fine things. But one room harbors a very big secret, a secret certain to change lives forever. Mixing the old with the new, Rachel enters that room, dons a beautiful gown in front of a tall standing mirror, and twirls her way into the lives-and-hearts of the Vander’s family forever.

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